Our Comparsa was founded in 1976 by two groups of people from different backgrounds and was led by President Antonio Barceló who developed its activity for 22 years. It is the youngest comparsa in the Moors and Christians festival in Elda. Its name, coat of arms and clothing are original and native to our city. In 1977, it participated for the first time with 16 squads. It grew quickly and since then its number in the nineties has been around 55 adult squads and 12 children’s squads.

On March 7, 1979, its statutes were approved as an example of the democratic spirit of the times.
We have reached an enviable maturity and splendour not only in the purely festive field. In 1980 the prestigious Painting Contest “Minicuadros” was created with a provincial scope and currently in its XXIV edition it already has a worldwide scope and has received more than 711 works from 3 continents, placing it in the vanguard of stylistic trends. On May 13, 1984, the First Moorish Marches Composition Contest took place. Its musical heritage consists of 13 pieces dedicated to the Huestes del Cadí, their squads and personalities, of which 12 are presented in the CD published on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the group and can be found in the section called “Music” of this website. In 1985 the distinctions to festive of denominated Cadí of Gold and of Silver are established, having been granted at the present time more than 16 and more than 5 respectively. In 1986 it celebrates its 10th anniversary in style and in which multiple events are organized that cause admiration in the festive family. On January 17, 1994, the first stone was laid at the company’s headquarters, which has almost 1,400 square meters of floor space, thanks to everyone’s efforts. This is the most important project that was completed in the same year as the 25th anniversary celebration. Since May 1996, the Cadi Brotherhood Day has been celebrated annually. On January 14, 1998, the reconstruction of the watchtower of “La Torreta” was proposed to the City Council. This project is currently undergoing archaeological testing. In January 1998 the Dulzaina and Percussion Group was created, formed by 90 people who are fond of music and who proudly show their good work wherever they perform.
On 23 January 1999 the Plaza de las Huestes del Cadí was inaugurated, the first public square dedicated to a comparsa eldense by the Town Hall of Elda. Recently, the General Assembly of the Compasa appointed Antonio Barceló Marco as Honorary President and José Manuel López Alcaraz as Honorary Member, posthumously. Among the events that were celebrated in the year 2000 we are immersed in the following acts: Logo competition, video and film archive, exhibition of festive footwear, photographic exhibition and captain’s suits, commemorative magazine, Homage Gala, Miniature Paintings Competition, Annual Dinner dedicated to Founders, concert to present the C.D. of our musical heritage, Cadí Brotherhood Day, Inauguration of the Headquarters, Blessing of the Children’s Flag, Boatos Entrada Mora and Children’s Parade and a book on festive music. In short, these are some brief notes that reflect the character and mood of the festive Las Huestes del Cadí, their concerns, and our love for the Festival and our beloved San Antón.
Our headquarters
All the Directors have worked hard to achieve what we now have, a place of our own with a place to celebrate all kinds of events.
The Headquarters was designed by the Architect D. Julio Coloma Bernabeu, and the first stone was laid on January 17, 1994. The building was completed in 2001, and the square that bears the name of our Comparsa was inaugurated on January 23, 1999. Las Huestes del Cadí is the only Comparsa that has the name of a square.
Now, after many efforts, the festive Cadi can take refuge in their own roof with residence in the Plaza de las Huestes number 1.